Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5, 2009

Hello everyone,

Sorry. Today’s letter is going to be short. I have to be somewhere in a half hour. We would have had longer but a cop pulled us over (on our bikes). I’ll tell you about it in a bit.

This week was really good. Conference was awesome. I really love President Monson and President Uchtdorf’s talks. They are all so good. Bit I did miss sitting at my house. On Saturday, I got to sit on the church pews for 10 hours. We didn’t go anywhere in between sessions because we were on bikes. Then the next day wasn’t as bad because we didn’t have the priesthood session, but it was worth it. I’m sure all the men will agree and women you’ll have to wait until you can hear about it. Sorry:)

Well back to the cop story. So this morning as we are getting out of our house and heading to the library, a cop stops us and says, “Hey I want to talk with you guys.” So he takes our licenses. We tell him what were here for and he goes back to his car. There are three cop cars here at this point. So the guy takes 25 minutes to run us through the computer and eat a few donuts. Ridiculous! He comes back gets our address and number and says, “Okay, I just put in the computer that we talked.” It doesn’t mean anything except for the fact that we visited. So we left. Lame, I know. But the street I love on is long and dangerous. A couple of weeks ago (I don’t know if I told you) but someone four house down was murdered. We don’t exactly live on a good street. So, he wanted to talk with us to see if we were trouble makers.

Well kids that was my week. Hope all is well in Zion. Remember: the church is true, the sky is blue, and God loves you. And so do I.

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